The 3rd International Workshop on
Cross-cultural AI Ethics and Governance
In conjunction with the 2022 International Conference of AI Cooperation and Governance And International Conference Series of AI Ethics and Sustainable Development

21:00-23:00 GMT+8 (Beijing Time), Dec 9th, 2022.

Realizing global sustainable AI development requires international cooperation on AI infrastructures, ethical and governance frameworks and mechanisms of interactions and coordination, especially taking into account different cultural perspectives. Currently, there are many obstacles to achieving this goal, such as relatively lower interests to appreciate differences in cultures and values, distrust between cultures and coordination challenges across regions. This forum will discuss these challenges and explore how to increase cross-cultural AI cooperation on ethics and governance between different countries and regions, share experiences, learning in a complementary view, and promote common values for human good.

Workshop Chair:

Director, Center for Long-term AI
Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ZENG Yi is the director of International Research Center for AI Ethics and Governance at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a board member for the National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence China. He is a member for UNESCO Adhoc Expert Group on AI Ethics, and a member for the expert group of AI Ethics and Governance for Health, World Health Organization (WHO).

Program Director at Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI), University of Cambridge

Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh is Co-Director of, and was the founding Executive Director of, Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), an academic research centre focused on global risks associated with emerging technologies and human activity. Since 2011 he has played a central role in international research on long-term trajectories and impacts associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies.

Invited Speakers:

Tech Diplomat, Deputy Consul General of Brazil in San Francisco, USA; Former Senior Adviser on Peace and Security, United Nations General Assembly

Tech Diplomat at the Consulate General of Brazil in San Francisco, USA. Deputy Consul General and Head of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Focal point for Silicon Valley and the Bay Area innovation ecosystem. PhD in International Relations and researcher on the international governance of artificial intelligence. Brazilian expert in the 2021 negotiations on UNESCO's Recommendation on the ethics of AI.

Director of Ethics and Responsible Innovation Research, The Alan Turing Institute

David's current research focuses on digital ethics, algorithmic accountability, explainability, and the social and ethical impacts of machine learning and data-driven innovations. In his wider research, David studies the moral and ethical implications of emerging technologies. In particular, he is keen to question how the biospherically and geohistorically ramifying scope of contemporary scientific innovation (in areas ranging from AI and synthetic biology to nanotechnology and geoengineering) is putting pressure on the conventional action-orienting categories and norms by which humans, at present, regulate their behaviour.

Programme Specialist for Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO Office in Beijing

Ang Tee Wee is the Programme Specialist for the Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO Beijing Office, where he is responsible for developing and implementing activities focusing on AI ethics, bioethics, ethics of science and technology, and climate change ethics, among others. Before serving in China, he was involved in the elaboration, negotiations and adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI and the UNESCO Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

Research Fellow, Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge; Former AI Lead, UN Secretary General’s Office

Danit Gal is interested in technology ethics, geopolitics, governance, safety, and security. Previously, she was a technology advisor at the United Nations, leading work on AI in the implementation of the United Nations Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. Gal is an executive committee member of the AI4SDGs Cooperation Network, and advisory board member of EPSRC and UKRI's Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Verifiability Node.

Chairman of Russian Commission on Ethics in AI,
Managing Director of the Sberbank AI Regulation Center

Andrey Neznamov is the Managing Director of the Sberbank AI Regulation Center in Russia, and is the Chairman of Russian Commission on Ethics in AI. He is also an expert for ISO SC 42 AI.

Professor, and Director, the Strong AI Lab, Institute for Nature, Artificial and Organizational Intelligence, University of Auckland

Michael Witbrock is a Professor of the University of Auckland. He is the director of the Strong AI Lab (SAIL) and the director of the Centre for Natural, Organisational and Natural Intelligence (NAOI). Michael was a Distinguished Research Staff Member at IBM (United States), and he was Vice President for Research at Cycorp Inc.

Research Fellow, Utrecht University

Arthur Gwagwa is a research Scholar on the Dutch Gravitation program on the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies. He has broad research interests that span the ethics, philosophy, intercultural, geopolitical, and legal aspects of AI and big data. A qualified lawyer in England, Wales, and Zimbabwe, Arthur sits on various advisory boards including the UN Global Pulse Expert Group on AI and big data.

Associate, The Future Society

Samuel M. Curtis is an associate at The Future Society. He was also a Kathryn Davis Fellow for Peace at Middlebury Chinese School, a Facilitator of the ITU's Generation Connect Americas Youth Group, a Learning Community Fellow at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute.

Panel Questions:
  • A brief review on common values and is there anything to add?
  • Unique Principles and Values, recent actions from different countries, and how we can learn from each other?
  • What are the risky fields in AI that need special attentions?
  • How to build a truly inclusive global network for AI ethics and governance?
  • What are the priorities for AI governance in different countries?